Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Muay Thai Kicking Pointers

Muay Thai Kicking

Muay Thai Training course: 5 Important Tips To Remember When Learning the Thai Kick

Muay Thai is known for its hard kick, and it's a good idea to have this technique in your martial arts toolbox. Yet, you need to know how to perform this kick correctly for maximum effectiveness.

Here are 5 suggestions to teach you how to kick properly.

Tip #1 Proper Distance - To do the Muay Thai kick correctly, you should throw it when your opponent is just beyond your punching range. You should be able to lean out and touch your opponent with your hand. When you are at the distance to do this, you are in the best range for this kick.

Tip #2 "The Step In" - For optimum power, step into the Muay Thai kick at a 45 degree angle with your base leg. Stepping at a 45 degree angle, instead of towards your target, generates the most power for this kick. Make absolutely certain to step on the balls of your feet.

Tip #3 Rotation - Pivot on your supporting foot. Turn your hips and shoulders together into the Thai kick. Don't allow any twisting in your body. You MUST TURN YOUR HIPS into the kick! Think of it this way, your hips should be turned towards your opponent and your chest facing sideways too when the kick lands. Don't snap the kick, keep the leg loose and swing the whole leg. Your leg should stay relaxed and close to straight the whole time. As you turn and kick, counterbalance yourself by leaning away a little from the kicking leg.

Tip #4 Impact - Hit with the shinbone! Also, the follow through is VERY Critical. THE THAI KICK DOES NOT STOP AT IMPACT! YOU MUST "FOLLOW THROUGH" WITH THIS KICK. The follow through is probably the most important facet of this kick. Swing your leg like a baseball bat and swing all the way through the target, trying to break through everything in its path. Turn your torso into the target (if the kicker had a T-shirt with something written on the back, the pad holder should almost be able to read what it says!).

Tip #5 Hand Placement - A couple of points: You should make sure your rear hand is up and covering your face. Swing the lead arm back to generate additional power and to help keep your balance. Make sure you keep your lead shoulder up though. Bear in mind, rear hand covers, lead hand swings back for balance.

The target for this kick can be the inner or outer thigh, body, or head. After impact, bounce back and return to your stance.

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